Juice and Dairy
Product Sizes Product Sizes Product Sizes
Apple Juice 12/46 Oz. Can Fruit Juice Tankers / 55-Gallon Drum Grape Juice 12/46 Oz. Can
Grapefruit Juice 12/46 Oz. Can Orange Juice 12/46 Oz. Can Orange Juice, Concentrate, Frozen 12/32 Oz. Can
Orange Juice, Frozen 70/4 Oz. Can Pineapple Juice 12/46 Oz. Can Tomatoe Juice 12/46 Oz. Can

Meat and Poultry
Product Sizes Product Sizes Product Sizes
Beef, Chuck Roast, Frozen 38-42 Lb. Ctn Beef, Frozen 36 Lb. Ctn. Beef, Fine Ground, Frozen 36 Lb. Ctn.
Beef, Ground, Frozen 36 Lb. Ctn. Beff, Patties. 100% Frozen 36 Lb. Ctn. Beef Patties, Frozen 36 Lb. Ctn.
Beef Patties. Lean, Frozen 36 Lb. Ctn. Beef, Roast, Frozen 28-40 Lb. Ctn Chicken, Canned. Boned 24/29 Oz. Can, 12/50 Oz. Can
Chicken, Cut-Up, Frozen 40 Lb. Ctn./Container Pork, Coarse Ground, Frozen 60 Lb. Ctn. Pork, Fine Ground, Frozen 36 Lb. Ctn.
Pork, Frozen 36 Lb. Ctn. Pork, Frozen. Ground 36 Lb. Ctn. Pork, Ham Roast. Frozen 32-40 Lb. Ctn
Pork, Sausage, Bulk, Frozen 36 Lb. Ctn. Pork, Suasage, Mild, Frozen 36 Lb. Ctn. Pork, Sausage, Mild, VP-PT 3 Oz./36 Lb. Ctn.
Pork, Sausage, Mild, VPPTY 36 Lb. Ctn. Pork, Sausage, Patty, Frozen 3 Oz./36 Lb. Ctn. Turkey, Breast. Large 23-64 Lb. Ctn
Turkey, Fresh, Bulk, Frozen Bulk Pack Turkey, Ham, Smoked, Frozen 40 Lb. Ctn. Turkey, Sausage, Chubs 30 Lb. Ctn./Container

Bulk Grain Products and Miscellaneous Items
  • Bakery Flour

  • Wheat Flour

  • Corn Products

    Dairy Products

  • Fortified Ready-To-Eat (RTE) Cereals

  • Macaroni and Cheese
  • Peanut Products

  • Processed Cereals

  • Pasta Products and Noodles

  • Rice Products

  • Vegetable Oil Products

<-- Products

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San Diego, California
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